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Ripiti (2024) PDF
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You are buying: 1 score (downloadable PDF)
Instrumentation: Ensemble (8): flute, oboe, alto saxophone, trombone, vibraphone, piano, violin, violoncello.
Composition year: 2024
Duration: 9:00
Format: A4 landscape or A3 landscape
Instrumentation: Ensemble (8): flute, oboe, alto saxophone, trombone, vibraphone, piano, violin, violoncello.
Composition year: 2024
Duration: 9:00
Format: A4 landscape or A3 landscape
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ESPAÑOL En su obra Ripiti para ensemble, el compositor Arturo Fuentes retoma el elemento de la repetición, presentándolo bajo un ángulo más contemplativo en comparación con sus obras anteriores. La repetición aquí no es una forma minimalista, sino más bien un ciclo en constante movimiento, una suerte de retorno que avanza, como el inexorable transcurrir de un atardecer. La influencia de Borges se hace patente cuando el compositor nos invita a reflexionar sobre la frase: "Las tardes a las tardes son iguales". En esta obra, la repetición musical se convierte en una exploración de la variación: ¿Qué tanto de lo repetido es verdaderamente variado y qué tanto de la variación introduce algo genuinamente novedoso? Esta pregunta, aunque arraigada en el terreno musical, trasciende los límites del arte para adentrarse en el ámbito filosófico. Nos incita a cuestionar la naturaleza misma de la innovación y la originalidad, sugiriendo que incluso en la repetición más aparente, yace un potencial transformador, una chispa de lo nuevo que aguarda ser descubierta. Una sorpresa. En Ripiti, la música se convierte así en un vehículo para una reflexión más profunda sobre la naturaleza de la creatividad y el tiempo mismo. (LondonHall Editions) ENGLISH In his work Ripiti for ensemble, composer Arturo Fuentes revisits the element of repetition, presenting it under a more contemplative angle compared to his previous works. Repetition here is not a minimalist form, but rather a cycle in constant movement, a sort of return that advances, like the inexorable passing of a sunset. Borges' influence is evident when the composer invites us to reflect on the phrase: "Afternoons to afternoons are the same". In this work, musical repetition becomes an exploration of variation: how much of what is repeated is truly varied, and how much of the variation introduces something genuinely novel? This question, though rooted in the musical realm, transcends the boundaries of art into the philosophical realm. It prompts us to question the very nature of innovation and originality, suggesting that even in the most apparent repetition, there lies a transformative potential, a spark of newness waiting to be discovered. A surprise. In Ripiti, music thus becomes a vehicle for a deeper reflection on the nature of creativity and time itself. (LondonHall Editions) |
In seinem Werk für Ensemble greift der Komponist Arturo Fuentes das Element der Wiederholung wieder auf und präsentiert es unter einem kontemplativeren Blickwinkel als in seinen früheren Werken. Die Wiederholung ist hier keine minimalistische Form, sondern eher ein Zyklus in ständiger Bewegung, eine Art Wiederkehr, die voranschreitet, wie das unaufhaltsame Vergehen eines Sonnenuntergangs. Der Einfluss von Borges ist offensichtlich, wenn der Komponist uns auffordert, über den Satz nachzudenken: "Nachmittage zu Nachmittagen sind dasselbe". In diesem Werk wird die musikalische Wiederholung zu einer Erkundung der Variation: Wie viel von dem, was wiederholt wird, ist wirklich abwechslungsreich, und wie viel der Variation führt etwas wirklich Neues ein? Diese Frage ist zwar im musikalischen Bereich verwurzelt, geht aber über die Grenzen der Kunst hinaus und führt in den philosophischen Bereich. Sie veranlasst uns, das Wesen von Innovation und Originalität zu hinterfragen, und legt nahe, dass selbst in der scheinbar größten Wiederholung ein transformatives Potenzial steckt, ein Funke des Neuen, der darauf wartet, entdeckt zu werden. Eine Überraschung. In Ripiti wird die Musik so zu einem Vehikel für eine tiefere Reflexion über die Natur der Kreativität und der Zeit selbst. (LondonHall Editions) |
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2) Payment by wire transfer: If you can't buy the piece through PayPal, you can make a bank transfer to the following account. Send us an email with your transfer information and we will contact you.
Arturo Fuentes Avila
Hypo Tirol Bank
IBAN: AT17 5700 0300 5557 5425
Innsbruck, Austria
If you want a printed score or individual parts of an orchestral work, no problem. Write to us directly telling us the piece you want to buy and we will send you a link so you can make the purchase directly on our website. You can make the payment by PayPal or by bank transfer and you will receive an invoice automatically in your email. The prices already include shipping to any country in the European Union.
[email protected]
Thank you for your purchase!
LondonHall Editions Team
LondonHall Editions / Arturo Fuentes
Tax Nr. ATU67278215
Bildgasse 2
6020, Innsbruck
Do you want to buy a score? You have two possibilities to pay:
1) Add to Cart: you will be directed to the PayPal site, you can pay with your credit card, and you will receive an invoice and a link to make a PDF download of the work.
IMPORTANT: it is better to download from a laptop computer. Some problems have been reported with downloading using mobile phones.
If you don't have access to a laptop, don't worry, write to us and we will help you with the purchase process.
2) Payment by wire transfer: If you can't buy the piece through PayPal, you can make a bank transfer to the following account. Send us an email with your transfer information and we will contact you.
Arturo Fuentes Avila
Hypo Tirol Bank
IBAN: AT17 5700 0300 5557 5425
Innsbruck, Austria
If you want a printed score or individual parts of an orchestral work, no problem. Write to us directly telling us the piece you want to buy and we will send you a link so you can make the purchase directly on our website. You can make the payment by PayPal or by bank transfer and you will receive an invoice automatically in your email. The prices already include shipping to any country in the European Union.
[email protected]
Thank you for your purchase!
LondonHall Editions Team
LondonHall Editions / Arturo Fuentes
Tax Nr. ATU67278215
Bildgasse 2
6020, Innsbruck