Work in progress 2022
Paradiso (for soprano and chamber orquesta), Laura Catrani, soprano. Austria, Italy
Poeta en Nueva York (song cycle for soprano and piano), Sarah Maria Sun, voice; Alberto Rosado, piano. Austria.
Carrillo y la micro belleza *STAGED CONCERT* (for 16 microtonal pianos), San Luis Potosí, México.
Carrillón (for sextet and microtonal soundtrack), UNAM "Resilencia" project. México
Atlantic Vortex 1 (for flute and violin), Arturo Fuentes, flute and violin. México-Austria
Atlantic Vortex 2 (for flute and violin), Arturo Fuentes, flute and violin. México-Austria
Sentimi (for 2 bass clarinets), Duo Stump-Linshalm. Austria.
Godimi (for accordion), Krassimir Sterev, accordion. Austria.
Muovimi (for cello and contrabass), Phace ensemble, Austria.
Bevimi (for oboe), Markus Sepperer, oboe. Austria.
Assaporami (for harp), Elisabeth Plank, harp. Austria.
Coprimi (for horn and trumpet), Windkraft ensemble, Austria.
Cegueira *MUSIC THEATRE* Miquel Bernat (percussion), Drumming percussion group. Portugal. Based on the novel by José Saramago.